Pleasent Surprises

Does something ever happen to you where you just think...

that was sweet! Wait,
that could'nt have been real!!


My dad called me today and said:
"Amy, I have a present for you! Are you Home?"
Very Excited I Exclaimed:


And 20 min later he arrived at my house with this...

My new $5 Dressform!!

But the fact that not even is he a Male, but My Dad brought this to me... makes him a Rad Dad.

And whats better when he delivered it he said:

"I bought this because you like this stuff for your boutique decorating and stuff right?"

Wow! I love him! Great Find Dad!

So he makes the Garage Sale Find of the Year in my book!!

I am going to get plenty of good use out of this!


  1. That is so sweet! I was amazed that my Dad took my sewing machine to be fixed for me AND picked it up. 3 years ago my Dad wouldn't be caught DEAD in a place that is considered a 'womans' store. Oh Dads!

  2. Wow!!! What an awesome find!!!! And for $5! Amazing!

  3. Um your dad is super rad!

  4. That's awesome, Go Dad!
    Popping in from Buy Mom Made!
    Now following your blog...

    you can find me at

  5. What an awesome dad!

    I would love to find a $5 dressform!

  6. woah, wait. DAD!? hmmmm. classy:) hahah

  7. A few years ago my dad called me (which is unusual enough) and told me that on his bike ride he found a big old rusted grate and thought I might want it. Heck yeah!!!

    I love it that while they might not exactly get the art itself, they get that you LOVE it.

    Gotta love Daddies ~ Sherry
