Storm Room Easy Do

Lets be clear on this... Storm n. - a heavy fall of rain, snow, or hail, or a violent outbreak of thunder and lightning, unaccompanied by strong winds. Room n.- An area separated by walls or partitions from other similar parts of the structure or building in which it is located:
Storm Room
A room for all the kiddies to take off shoes, hang backpacks and place misc. objects after storming home from school, games, or other activities!

It feels like forever I have been waiting on a good deal on a bench, back hanger combo to create the little nook by our Garage door into a "Storm Room". But I cant seem to find any for a price I would dare to pay for them... hence this project!!

It was so long ago I found this picture So Im not sure who to give credit to... (if it's you please tell me and ill be glad to give it!)
Anyway I thought it was such a fabulous Idea!!

So I am going to share it with you!

All you need are three items :

  • A Shelf (bench and shelf need to be same length
  • A sheet of Beadboard (found at Lowes or Home Depot)
Paint them the color of your choice , assemble, train the kids and you will forever feel more organized, less stressed, and self accomplished for creating such a masterpiece! Happy Decorating!!


  1. I've been looking for something like this FOREVER!!!

  2. So funny! I was just scoping out Craigslist for this exact thing when I decided to take a break and check out my favorite blogs. Creepy! lol! I can't find any cheap ones, either, so this may be my way to go, too!
