Latest Obsession's

#1.   So lately I have been Fabric shopping... A LOT! I don't know why but it seems to be my favorite thing to do of late... 

The feel of new fabric between my hands, the sound my scissors cutting or of the sewing needle crisp through the fabric! Ugh... love it! Call me crazy... and the thrill of having just created something new and fun that somebody somewhere gets to enjoy! Its the best! 

And my weakness is two words:

Okay so its a name not two words.. BUT Her fabric is to die for! So cute I could Cover a house in it..
okay maybe that would be a little Bright... but really. For some reason there is just a happy vibe off all of her amazing designs. 

Her fabric is like slowly waking up on a Sunday morning after sleeping in just enough, hugging your pillow and stretching out underneath sheets of 1000 thread
 count Egyptian Cotton with a cool breeze coming through the window with the rays of sun, birds chirping and you wish that the moment could last fore
ver and it can because you have nothing to do that day but just relax and have a day
 of bliss... Everything

yeah that's what its like. So maybe its crazy... but she is amazing. An

#2 Chocolate

The World most passion oriented 
delectable dessert! Lets be honest, when has this not been any
 one's obsession at least 20 times in their life! As you all know, at our boutiques we are always giving away Dove Chocolate (the best). 
Well we have had so many great people coming that before this last boutique I STOCKED up major. And silly me I just happened to keep a bag to myself... oops! Well lets just say Yummm...! 
Hey but No worries! There will be more by our next open house! Plenty for everyone... but oh my... weakness. Who can resist. 

Go treat yourself to some Chocolate... you won't regret it...

#3 My new Vinyl Cartridge 

I finally found someone who carried the home decor cartridge I wanted and it had some of the cutest  images on it and other nick knacks which is wonderful for you because I have already made some fun new vinyl phrase boards with more uniqueness to them!

I'm sure I will be one some new spree's next week but for now... I just cant get enough! 

P.S. Been brainstorming for some fun new ideas... check back to see what's the storm brought in! Ciao!


  1. Yes! So excited to see whats next! You guys are so cute!

  2. Can I ask where you are getting your fabric from?
